Town of Hilton Head Island Bike and Electric Bike Etiquette
In South Carolina, motorists have the right of way at all crosswalks, intersections and curb cut entrances. On pathways, pedestrians have the right of way. Please be courteous and respect other pathways users, bikes and pedestrians at all times.
Pathway safety is important! All pathway users should adhere to the guidelines below as you explore the island's trail experience. These guidelines are provides to ensure everyone's safe enjoyment of our recreational resources.
Keep right, pass left.
Announce to pass: Use your bell or voice (passing on your left) when passing others.
Observe a safe and courteous speed limit on pathways.
If you stop, pull off the path.
At intersections, stop, look and listen. Make eye contact with turning traffic.
Wear a helmet, especially children 12 and under.
Respect all pathway users.
These safety and etiquette guidelines apply to all bike riders including electric bike riders while on island pathways. Before you ride, it's important to understand an electric bike is different from other bicycles. It can be faster, heavier, handles differently, needs longer stopping distances and requires some practice to operate. Practice mounting, dismounting, stopping, and starting your electric bike in a safe location prior to your first ride.